Visual Art Diaries

Visual Art Diaries

Visual diaries have been an essential part of my creative journey, gone are the days I used to buy lined notepads from Kmart! Give me that blank canvas everyday! 

Sure a blank page may feel very intimidating for some but I do recommend giving these ideas below a chance. I think you won’t buy lined paper any more! 

Although I have many different sized Visual diaries A1, A3, different paper gsm and even colour, here are my 3 go to! 

Firstly A4 paperclick 120pg 125gsm. This is my go to as I purchase them with my grocery delivery from Woolworths. They are $7 but they go on sale for 50% off often so I recommend keeping an eye out and buy a few when they are $3.50. Why my go to? I write and draw everything in this. My study notes, sketching, lists, layout design and reminders. A visual diary does not just have to be purely for sketching believe me I write so much in my visual diary and I can jot things down very quickly without watching what I’m doing as I don’t need to stay on the lines! Amazing! My writing is not pretty, but sometimes writing in a visual diary also gives you the chance to get creative with your note writing! Try it! Get some fancy coloured pens and pencils for that added creative flow. 

My next favourite is the A5 visual diary. I keep one of these in the bedroom with a few pencils so when something comes to mind as it does in the middle of the night I can quickly jot things down or do a quick sketch. I also like to do a daily draw challenge and if I had not got around to doing my daily sketch I’ll do one before I fall off to sleep. This is also a good way to continue practicing sketching. 

Then there’s the little A6. Why so small? Well it fits in my handbag perfectly without being too heavy and taking up too much space and for only $2.49 from riot art and craft why not. This way you always have a notepad for quick reminders or any quick sketch you may want to draw while your out and about! Don’t forget a pencil and pen! 

Now when I write on lined paper I ignore the lines.