Colour Your World

Colour Your World

Written by Helen Elias

Review - A Kidd’s Guide to Graphic Design - by Chip Kidd

Whilst I was studying my first term in graphic design skill sets my Lecturer recommended this book to us, an easy and enjoyable read by the awesome Chip Kidd. The book is very cleverly laid out for each element of design that is covered throughout the book making it easy to remember. From start to finish the book is a very simple and fun way to be reminded of design elements including concepts, typography, form etc. making it easy to refer back to when needed.

When you reach the end of the book you are greeted with 10 fun design challenges which I am thoroughly looking forward to do and will post each one as I go. The challenges entice you to step outside of the box and have a go at being creative in different ways. 

I would recommend this book to people who want to know a little about Graphic Design and are not fond of reading an entire text book. The book can easily be read in one sitting at 152 pages as it is not text heavy and is engaging. 

Design Project #2 Colour Your World 

I do enjoy gardening and try my luck at growing fruit and veg. After work this afternoon I ventured out into the yard and picked a few chilies and strawberries. I have an abundance of chilies and strawberries so many that there are bags and bags in the deep freeze, I’m not going to miss a couple. What if the world appeared different? What if we saw things in different colours? How fun! But when I came to choose what colour to paint the chilies it was tough as chilies come in such a variety of colours already! I am not a painter by any means but the task was fun and different it got me thinking. The strawberries I painted blue, they actually look so good blue! The flower just wilted really, I don’t think it enjoyed changing its colour. Please do not eat painted food! Maybe if I had a bit more patience when it comes to painting I would do it again with other things. I have acrylic paint in my supply trolley now watch out! If you have children at home or if you are a big kid at heart or just want a different project why not give it a go yourself!